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Become happy why not?

An attempt to live happy, really happy not just OK

Wednesday, September 27

Life is so short

Life is so short.

A young post doctoral fellow in our department passed away last week, so peacefully in his apartment. He had no diseases (any that is known to all of us).

He just passed away.

A few days before his death, a single thought had been haunting me:
Why bother, why fight for silly materialistic things in life.

Nothing is worth it.

Sunday, September 17

And then ask why people are violent?

The new playstation ads are on TV, very violent try to watch it (Black or God of War)*, ratings of the God of War**

Ads on some sort of gums, and the ad says that the guy will have to share with his friends his gum. In order to solve this, he simply tears the shirt of his friend, throws the other friend's bag on the floor, and takes away his third friend candy and throw it away. The ad ends by saying now he doesn't have to worry (implying he has no friends, so he has the whole thing for himself).

This is not the only ad like this, these kind of ads are all over the TV not only in the USA, it's back home in Egypt, the concept of individuality and fighting over possessing things, and above all use of violence to obtain materialistic things.

what is expected from those who watch such an ad, not only children, also adults (although effect on adults is much less than a child).

Some may argue saying we all were raised with such violence around us, and we are no killers, and we are not violent.
I don't think so, we all have our violence somewhere deep inside of us, viewing such things on media, repeatedly, makes them float to the surface.
The expression of violence doesn't have to be killing people with a gun, it probably will be reflected in your attitude towards others, aggressiveness, or taking it on those you have power over, like your subordinate
s , or someone who is misfortune enough to be needing something from you!

I know there are many other factors, and psychologist would surely know better, but I still believe this is a very important factor that we can't deny.

* these sites have a waringing asking for your date of birth, as it's not suitable for all viewers!!
** mature 17+, blood and gore, intense violence, nudity, sexual themes, strong language.

Tuesday, September 12

Hello my new friend

My boss is observing that I am being more calm and realistic instead of being all the time nervous and tense and all the time stressed out, as I have been running crazy for the last few months.
She doesn't know that I have a new friend in my life.
Her presence in my life made alot of difference.
First of all we have totally different ideas, background, and personalities.

What we have in common?

But for some reason she keeps on helping me relax and unwind, and I keep on helping her in setteling down (she just came to USA) and keep her company. It's sort of win-win situation but the most beautiful part about it, is that we (at least I don't and I believe she doesn't either) think about it as win-win, we think about it as a simple pure friendship.
I am writing this although I know she thinks that blogging is a waste of time, better eat, drink, or do something, pray or listen to Koran.
She just walked in on me right now and said, work instead of this!!!

Funny, so different worlds, but perfect harmony.

Thank you God for my new Friend.

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