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Become happy why not?

An attempt to live happy, really happy not just OK

Tuesday, December 19

Qué Será, Será

Does Mona Lisa wants* to get married? 3

So, again, back to the same subject, that has been bothering me forever

But today with a totally new approach,

Yesterday, I was chatting with my close friend from college, who is getting married soon, she is in the same boat as me, doing her PhD alone away from home.
I told her how I feel about not getting married up till now, and she replied: enjoy every moment you have now and cherish these precious years when you are not married, it's a blessing.

Next day, I am talking to another friend of mine, married with children and pregnant with her third child, and she said, cherish these years when you are free, no demanding husband, with screaming and crying kids.

Today I was thinking their words over, then I smiled and said to myself, I know, I am living my happiest days ever, I am free, no husband.
However, I still long for company, and I know that this company will sometimes get on my nerves, just as I will get on his nerves.

Then Nelly's children song kept on coming back to me: "kan fee farasha zehnana, labsah gonela menakata..."
And I said to myself, I am now this free butterfly, I will let myself enjoy every moment of these wonderful years of my PhD and not wait for that someone, if I am destined to meet him it'll happen, and ......

Qué Será, Será..............Whatever will be, will be......

Finally, I am saying it, and believing in it.

*Grammatical correction: wants should be want, I mean: Does Mona Lisa want to get married?
but since I wrote it wants in the first two posts I wrote it here the same way.


At 5:22:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'd agree with ur friends,cherich every moment now that u are free coz later u'll only dream of them.but still every phase of ur life has it's good and bad times,so enjoy ur life now and enjoy it later coz every phase has it's own sparkling moments :)


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