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Become happy why not?

An attempt to live happy, really happy not just OK

Friday, March 16


I went to the movies tonight, undecided which to see, or even what is in theaters these days.
I found that tonight was premier of Premonition, I already saw the TV ads of Sandra Bullock's Premonition and I looked the word up back then, which means warn in advance or anticipation of an event without conscious reason which is more like what the movie is about.

I decided this must be a good movie.
But was it?
I don't think so:
The first thing that stroke me is that the movie has a strong religious theme, yet anti science theme. It shows doctors as unbelievers, who have no solution to our problems, and that they actually worsen them, something that greatly opposes the basic western thinking/ideology, and also against scientific thinking, which doesn't necessarily mean to deny religion, a rather weak point in the movie.

The movie has a beautiful message to deliver, but there could have been better presentation of it's message.

Although I didn't like certain themes in the movie, I loved the religious emphasis, this is greatly because I believe in signs sent by God, and I believe that listening to these signs makes a lot of difference.

This also reminded me that once long long ago when I was a child, I asked my grandma, why do people make real bad mistakes in life, why don't they just obey God, she smiled and didn't say anything.
But now I know why, it's because they don't want to obey Him, they have a rebellion inside them that they want to follow, guess who? he is the most ancient rebellion of all ... Satan

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