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Become happy why not?

An attempt to live happy, really happy not just OK

Friday, January 13

Arrest of a man who threatened Bush's life!!

Wow I thought that was a joke when I heard it over the radio, then I googled it up,

Oh my, a man really threatened to kill Bush

he sent some letters or something, he was arrested and he is on trial.

Amusingly enough another guy also threatened Bush,

mahee ya maltashah ba2a, and was convicted.

What a hilarious news, this kind of news that just makes you laugh, at least it made me laugh.


At 10:54:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Nurtan

Dear happy:
The arrest of a man who threatened Bush's life made an enough impression on you to write it on your blog. You laughed a lot but I could not understand what part exactly made you laugh. Is it because someone threatened Bush, or because they arrested him for that, or because some letters were considered a threat for Bush life. There are 3 different possibilities of the joke here, Which is yours?.

At 11:29:00 PM, Blogger Nora said...

Dear Hossam,

Thanks for commenting on my blog posts,

because of the whole thing, just imagine this, someone (a person, not an organization) just happens to send a letter to the president of the USA, threatening to kill him.... that made me laugh, then the rest of the news made me really laugh.

Anyways, i write anything that comes across my mind here, any thing that i have a reaction to and want to record it...


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